Dash, drift, and zoom past slow moving traffic to get that taxi fare in the crazy city environment. Unlock bigger, more supercharged vehicles to get that all important taxi rank. With full realistic car damage, watch your path of destruction as you take your passenger on a taxi ride they'll never forget!
Complete missions and find hidden star to unlock special, unique taxi only seen in this game, choose from a specially modified Bugatti Veyron or even the behemoth monster truck taxi!!
Feel like taking it easy? Well, cruise through the huge environment at your own pace and drive or head off road in search of the hundreds of hidden collectibles!
Tear up the streets in a Bugatti if that's your style, drive fast with the top down in BMW Z4 convertible taxi, or even it's a 3 ton armored Humvee ready to clear the way for a quick and destructive ride? Play it your way and wreak everything in the city!
Need to get 100% complete? Retry any mission as many times as you want without waiting until you perfect that route! Oh, almost forgot, start the taxi meter before racing off!
Game Features:
-Massive open world with tons of new areas: downtown city, airport, ice rink, offroad forest, stunt park, desert, minefield, and more!
-Unlockable incredible taxi vehicles, each complelty different from the last with personal stats
-Live AI traffic, fully destrucible
-Realistic car driving physics
-Plenty of hidden areas
-Full realistic vehicle damage, witness each bump and scrape!
-Destructible environment
-Instant mission replay
Be ready for amazing experience when you get involved in our latest driving simulation game, City Taxi Driving Simulator 3D!!! Available right now, completely free!!!
Dash, melayang, dan tampilannya lalu lintas bergerak lambat masa lalu untuk mendapatkan yang tarif taksi di lingkungan kota gila. Membuka lebih besar, kendaraan lebih supercharged untuk mendapatkan pangkalan taksi bahwa semua penting. Dengan kerusakan mobil yang realistis penuh, menonton jalan Anda dari kehancuran saat Anda mengambil penumpang Anda pada naik taksi mereka tidak akan pernah lupa!
misi lengkap dan menemukan bintang tersembunyi untuk membuka khusus, taksi unik hanya terlihat dalam game ini, memilih dari Bugatti Veyron dimodifikasi khusus atau bahkan raksasa rakasa truk taksi !!
Merasa seperti mengambil mudah? Nah, pelayaran melalui lingkungan besar pada kecepatan Anda sendiri dan drive atau kepala off road mencari ratusan koleksi tersembunyi!
Merobek jalan-jalan di Bugatti jika itu gaya Anda, drive cepat dengan atas ke bawah dalam BMW Z4 convertible taksi, atau bahkan itu adalah 3 ton lapis baja Humvee siap untuk membersihkan jalan untuk naik cepat dan destruktif? Bermain dengan cara Anda dan melampiaskan segala sesuatu di kota!
Perlu untuk mendapatkan 100% selesai? Coba lagi misi apapun sebanyak yang Anda inginkan tanpa menunggu sampai Anda sempurna rute itu! Oh, hampir lupa, mulai meteran taksi sebelum balap off!
Fitur Game:
dunia yang terbuka -Massive dengan ton daerah baru: kota pusat kota, bandara, gelanggang es, hutan offroad, taman stunt, gurun, ladang ranjau, dan banyak lagi!
-Unlockable Kendaraan taksi yang luar biasa, masing-masing complelty berbeda dari yang terakhir dengan statistik pribadi
lalu lintas AI -live, sepenuhnya destrucible
mobil -Realistic mengemudi fisika
-Banyak daerah tersembunyi
-Full Kerusakan kendaraan realistis, menyaksikan setiap benjolan dan mengikis!
lingkungan -Destructible
ulangan misi Instan
Siap untuk pengalaman yang luar biasa ketika Anda terlibat dalam mengemudi terbaru kami permainan simulasi, Kota Taxi Driving Simulator 3D !!! Tersedia sekarang, benar-benar gratis !!!
Dash, drift, and zoom past slow moving traffic to get that taxi fare in the crazy city environment. Unlock bigger, more supercharged vehicles to get that all important taxi rank. With full realistic car damage, watch your path of destruction as you take your passenger on a taxi ride they'll never forget!
Complete missions and find hidden star to unlock special, unique taxi only seen in this game, choose from a specially modified Bugatti Veyron or even the behemoth monster truck taxi!!
Feel like taking it easy? Well, cruise through the huge environment at your own pace and drive or head off road in search of the hundreds of hidden collectibles!
Tear up the streets in a Bugatti if that's your style, drive fast with the top down in BMW Z4 convertible taxi, or even it's a 3 ton armored Humvee ready to clear the way for a quick and destructive ride? Play it your way and wreak everything in the city!
Need to get 100% complete? Retry any mission as many times as you want without waiting until you perfect that route! Oh, almost forgot, start the taxi meter before racing off!
Game Features:
-Massive open world with tons of new areas: downtown city, airport, ice rink, offroad forest, stunt park, desert, minefield, and more!
-Unlockable incredible taxi vehicles, each complelty different from the last with personal stats
-Live AI traffic, fully destrucible
-Realistic car driving physics
-Plenty of hidden areas
-Full realistic vehicle damage, witness each bump and scrape!
-Destructible environment
-Instant mission replay
Be ready for amazing experience when you get involved in our latest driving simulation game, City Taxi Driving Simulator 3D!!! Available right now, completely free!!!